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Due to the current pandemic going on, it seems like most schools have decided to close for an indeterminate amount of time. Teachers have sent packets of work home, and most parents are still trying to figure out how to work from home, and teach their children too.
We are a homeschooling family; I work from home and my son, nieces and nephew are homeschooled, so not much has changed for us. However, I can’t even imagine how challenging life must be for a lot of families right now. Below are a few suggestions on how to deal with everything going on.

First off all, breathe. Your kids can sense your trepidation and fear, not just about the school situation but about everything going on right now. These are scary, unsure times, but keep in mind that are so many families dealing with this same predicament, You are not alone.
Let Your Kids Breathe Too
Your kids need to breathe, too. Give them a couple days of rest from that packet of work to reflect and talk about what’s going on and their feelings. They are stressed and scared, too. You can’t expect them to handle things like adults and deal with it, because let’s face it – none of us are dealing well with circumstances right now.
If your younger kids are having a hard time understanding what is going on right now, make sure to read my article on “How To Talk To Your Kids About Coronavirus.” That’ll definitely give them some insight as to what to expect in an easier to comprehend manner.
If you have older kids such as teens, let them write about their thoughts on such topics as supply-and-demand, the virus, healthcare, politics, etc – and watch a few news reports with them. Make sure to have open conversations with them as it is very important.
However, if you have younger children I suggest avoiding letting them watch the news as much as possible as it can cause them to be anxious and stressed.

School Packets
While you want your children to work on their school packet, it is important for your to pace it, paying close attention to timelines so you don’t miss them. It is not designed to be completed in a rush, however don’t let them slack too much especially if their grade depends on it.
If your kids have an assignment that is project based, let them have the freedom to do the project on their own. Provide the resources and guidance, and let them succeed or fail based on how much they put into completing the assignment.

Full time homeschoolers don’t just do packets. In fact, sitting down at a table doing school work is hardly what we do.
I homeschool because of the freedom I have to educate my son, but also because of life experiences. After all, academics is only a small part of what makes a person intelligent. The things we experience around us, and our responses to them, shape and mold us.
If your kids need you to sit by them to do spelling words or math problems, know that they need a little extra assurance. Take it easy on them, you’re both navigating new territories.
Creating A Schedule
While it’s good for sanity’s sake to have and keep a homeschool schedule right now, keep in mind that these are unchartered waters in which we’re treading, so please do not feel bad if you don’t have a set schedule.
Your kids don’t have to get up at the hour they were getting up when they had school in the morning and it’s probably best if they don’t.
If you want to make a schedule, then do so but don’t feel like you need to try to simulate a typical public school day. Talk with your children about what your expectations, and make sure to have a “we’re all in this together” attitude. Include them in setting a schedule.

If you decide not to schedule, good for you too. Remember that there is no requirement, it is your home and your choice to run it how you see fit.
It’s your job to keep the household running; it’s their job to keep their school work going. If you are find now working from home, then you may find yourself sharing a space with your kids. It’s good for them to see you doing your “home work,” too.
Having Trouble Teaching Your Kids?
By now I’m sure some parents are looking at their kids homework assignments and have furrowed permanent scratch marks of confusion in their own scalps, as they try to decipher the “new math” compared to what they learned and how they learned it.
Take heart, parents. There are many resources online to teach you this math and other subjects so you can at least grasp what is going on. Don’t underestimate your child’s teacher, though—he or she, most likely, will be very willing to help explain or provide resources to help you.
Online Resources
There are many, many online resources being made available at no-charge or low-cost due to the Coronavirus closing schools. I’m working on an extensive list to share with you all, so make sure to check back for it.
Until then these blog posts should be helpful:
- 10 Easy Way To Improve Reading Skills In Kids
- Using Youtube To Supplement Homeschool Curriculum
- The Best Curriculum For Kids: From Preschool To Highschool

High school senior meant to graduate this year (2020) may be having the hardest time with the idea of schools indefinitely. They may not be able to attend prom, senior trip or even graduation.
If you have a senior and you are anticipating that commencement exercises will not be held, caps will not be thrown, and tassels will not be moved, know that this will affect your high school senior on a deep level. Make sure to talk to them about how to handle all of this.
It is also important to move forward with college plans, though they may be online, but understand that if seniors are moodier than normal, it’s because it’s all just not normal.
Now is the time to come together, intentional homeschoolers or not, and help each other.

- Homeschooling Tips & Tricks
- Thinking About Homeschooling – Where To Start
- Where To Shop For Homeschooling Supplies
- Homeschool Resources – Visit my Homeschool Resources page to see all the reliable and trustworthy brands that we use for our homeschooling journey.