Hey Fam, I’m so glad you’re here !!! 🙂


My name is Karen! I’m a wife to an amazing Hubs, a big sis to a sassy teenager Ells, mom to a sweet beautiful boy Aiden and an aunt to three precious little’s Ethan, Milania & Avery. 


I am a world traveler at heart and very passionate about self directed education. I also am also a writer, speaker and advocate for gentle parenting.


I created The Mom Trotter to share my budget travel tips, homeschooling life, parenting as well as to connect with other families following the same path as me. Our family is currently traveling the USA full time in an RV and we love it. You can watch our story on why we decided to sell our home and buy an RV here -> Our RV Story.


People think that after kids, travel has to stop, but I am proof that it doesn’t. My passion is to help and empower parents, as well as show them that travel with kids is possible and doable as a one income family, stay at home parent or while working a full time job.


I am also the founder of Black Kids Do Travel alongside my 6 year old Aiden with a mission strive to encourage parents with children of color, to travel with their children and show them the world. 


This organization was born to create a safe space for families to discuss their travel and issues that they face traveling the world with children of color. This has grown into a beautiful Facebook community of over 18K plus families. If you have children of color and plan to travel with them, make sure to join our Facebook Community.


When I’m not busy writing, teaching and watching Netflix, I also help families plan vacations. So if you need help planning a Disney Cruise (or any cruise), a vacation to an All-Inclusive resort somewhere exciting, feel free to reach out to me at Memory Making Getaways.



3 Facts About Me


I have a BA in Child Development & and an MS in Family Services.


I love chocolate.


My favorite movie is White chicks.



PS: I hope you enjoy my content …

XoXoXo, 💗 The MOM Trotter


See below for ways that
morocco - what you need to know about camoing in the sahara desert with kids
Instagram is one of my favorite platforms. I share our day to day lives on my Instagram stories as well as what homeschooling looks like. A mix of fun and silliness!
the mom trotter family travel with kids
Facebook is also one of my favorite social media platforms. I tend to share a lot more parenting topics here as well as daily much needed inspiration.
we can connect online ...
the mom trotter youtube
On YouTube I share full videos and vlogs of our trips on YouTube, airline reviews, hotel reviews and more. YouTube really reflects our personalities.
using YouTube to supplement homeschool curriculum
This is a paid membership group for families who are passionate about travel & homeschooling, and need extra help from me on how to do it.

What is “The Mom Trotter” about?


First of all, welcome to The Mom Trotter, a website for parents who want to raise global citizens through travel as well as educate positive

On this blog, you’ll find advice and resources on:


  • Travel – full time family travel in an RV, internatuinal travel, solo travel, couples travel, hotel reviews, airlines reviews, hiking, camping and amusement park tips.
  • Education – homeschooling, unschooling, worldschooling, roadschooling and self-directed learning.
  • Parenting – attachment parenting, positive parenting, motherhood, innovative parenting (when you know better you do better).
  • Model and Talent – how to submit your child to the modeling agency, modeling and talent agencies, the life of child model/actors. (Aiden is a child model/actor)
  • Resources – travel, homeschool, model and talent.

My goal with this blog is to inspire and encourage you as well as guide you as a parent, grandparent or aunt/uncle to figure out what the best path is to take with your kids. Always remember that are many ways to do things, just make sure you do what works for your family and be confident in those choices. 



Visiting The Leaning Tower Of Pisa With Kids

You may have seen me :

I am a freelance writer for:

And my work has also been featured on Mater Mea, Multicultural Kids Blogs and mentioned on several websites.

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