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According to, in the last 15 years, the number of black homeschool children has doubled from 103,000 to about 220,000. Off the 1.7 million homeschooled students, black children account for 8 percent; and this is based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education. This comprehensive resource guide is for black homeschooling families, and also black families considering homeschooling and just need a little more information prior to taking the leap.
Why Is There A Rise In Black Homeschooling Families
Black homeschooling families are on the rise because parents are concerned about the quality of schools in the area that they live in. They are worried about reasons such as, peer pressure, drugs and racism at school. These black homeschooling families have other concerns as well, they want to provide their black children with history and social context that is missing from schools.
Many black families believe that taking control on their child’s education is one major way of liberating themselves from systematic racism which they continue to endure up until this day; and I strongly believe the same too.
Plenty of schools fail to emphasize black excellence when educating children. They seem to forget about what Africans and African Americans endured. They also seem to forget about the early accomplishments that were made African and African Americans. As a parent, deciding to homeschool your child means that you have the flexibility to be able to educate your kids how you choose too, by choosing curriculum that aligns with your believes as well as curriculum that is strongly rooted in black history and black culture.
A study in the “Journal of School Choice” which was conducted in 2015 showed that black homeschooled students scored significantly higher on reading and math tests than black students who are enrolled in public schools. Black parents not only homeschool because of the notion that their children will perform better on tests, but also because their black children have a chance to grow and develop in an environment where their self worth is recognized, emphasized and celebrated.
Articles about Homeschooling Black Children
Looking for articles that talk about homeschooling black families, then make sure to read these below. Each of them offer a unique perspective into homeschooling black children.
The Radical Self-Reliance of Black Homeschooling – The modern black-homeschooling movement is evocative of African Americans’ generations-long struggle to change their children’s destiny through education—and to do so themselves.
Why We Left Traditional School Systems To Practice Unschooling – Eventually we realized we were looking the wrong way. Our focus was on how best to fit them into the system, when our focus should be on Marley and Sage. When that shifted, we started communicating with them more, and they didn’t want to be in school. So that’s what we did—we withdrew them from school.
Simone Biles Homeschooling Helped Her Become A Gold Medal Olympian – Some people worry about homeschooling their kids and how it can work out. But Simone Biles’ homeschooling experience was the only way to push her gymnastics career forward, she recently told The Undefeated.
Why more black parents are homeschooling their children – “Why are you that color?” one boy taunted at the swing set, leaving Marvell scared and speechless. The slow build of racial bullying would push his mother, Vanessa Robinson, to pull him from public school in favor of homeschooling.
The Freedom of Unschooling: Raising Liberated Black Children Without The Restrictions of School – But unlike most children their age, Marley and Sage are not enrolled in school, nor are they homeschooled. Instead they—along with my husband Kris and I—embrace an alternative to the traditional adult-to-child learning and living environment of schedules, structures, and schools. Through unschooling (also known as worldschooling or free-range learning) they learn what they want to learn, at their own pace.
Yes, Black People Homeschool Their Kids, Too – By the age of three, our oldest daughter was reading short books. This was definitely a milestone for success. When our youngest daughter reached 1.5 years old, we did what had now become natural. We started to teach her at home. To our surprise, she wasn’t interested at all. We quickly learned that teaching styles have to adapt to the child being taught. This is true not only for Black children, but for all children.
Why more black parents are home-schooling their kids – Despite the promises of the civil rights movement, “people are starting to realize that public education in America was designed for the masses of poor, and its intent has been to trap poor people into being workers and servants. If you don’t want that for your children, then you look for something else,” she says. To her, the biggest flaw in public education is a lack of character education, an “absence of a moral binding,” that contributes to low expectations – and lower outcomes for children of color.
3 Reasons Why Black People Don’t Homeschool – Despite the overwhelming evidence that many black middle class kids are falling behind in school, few black families have made the leap to homeschooling their kids. There are several cultural reasons why black people continue to avoid homeschooling despite it being the best choice for their kids.
For Some Black Parents, the New Home Room is Home – Robinson, like a small but growing number of black parents, has chosen to take her son Tau out of the public-school system and teach him on her own (Deion is a cousin’s child she’s also teaching).
Black Families Increasingly Choose to Homeschool Kids – Sarden and her husband, an architect, both went to public schools. She was an attorney making six figures when she decided to quit her job to teach her two kids, 10 year old Aidan and 9 year old Haley.
Resourceful Websites For Black Homeschoolers
African American Books And Literature
EyeSeeMe African American Children’s Bookstore – EyeSeeMe was created in order to help bridge the cultural divide, so that African American children can benefit from exposure to literature that respectfully mirrors themselves, their culture and their families. As a tool to help increase literacy, African American children will benefit by seeing themselves respectfully represented in the literature they read.
African American Literature Book Club – AALBC is the largest and most popular website dedicated to Black Literature from around the world. We celebrate Black culture, through books, for readers of all backgrounds to enjoy.
Decolonizing Education – Decolonizing Education Publishing aims to produce literary work that is deliberate in centering black and brown experiences, narratives, history and cultural contributions. Each book in their collection has an intentional focus on the true beauty and dignity of the diasporic community as a whole.
Curriculum For Black Homeschoolers
Black Classical University – The Black Classical University is not a classical school in the context of the classical education model. It is a classical school by definition of Pan-African people coming together to educate their own children. Classical education is traditional in the Pan-African villages and communities. Black Classical University provides African American educators an opportunity to showcase their teaching mastery as professors in the community.
Kamali Academy – Kamali Academy offers PreK through 8th Grade online curriculum which is Afrikan-Centered and Flexible. Their goal is for black children to be empowered with curriculum that looks like, sounds like and feels like them.
Villaging Brown – Villaging Brown is a multifaceted resource company committed to creating safe spaces for black families to learn, grow and build. We offer event planning, early childhood activities, community development and family resources. Through the Kwanzaa 365 curriculum, they support educators and caregivers with a fully comprehensive outline in teaching children the principles of Kwanzaa and how to implement them for community activism every day of the year.
Sankofa Science Solutions – Sankofa Science Solutions provides opportunities of laboratory and in-the-field learning that activates within each child the ability to be innovative and creative in the fields of STEM, utilizing African Science that is relevant to the 21st Century Learner.
African American Online Co-Op – African American Online Co-Op provides African American parents with support for homeschooling and supplemental learning opportunities at prices that they can afford.
The Black Business School – The Black Business School is 100% Black owned and their goal is to create an army of Black financial soldiers whose mission is to improve the Black community. You can obtain a culturally relevant and high quality education in all things wealth building & Black business creation, all for a fraction of the cost of a college degree.
Subscription Boxes For Black Homeschoolers
Legacy Kits – Legacy Kits provide hands-on learning and reinforcement with traditional workbooks, reading, and crafts. They are engaging, fun and educational. Their kits make an excellent supplement to your current history curriculum or a full black history course when you order a full year! Parents, teachers, and students love our kits.
Just Like Me Box – The Just Like Me! Book Box was built on the foundation of exposing children of color to literature, characters, authors and stories that are reflective of them. Picture books are among the first representations of the broader world that we see and they are introduced at a critical time. They will send you a perfectly curated box filled with African American children’s books and other educational tools.
Brown Toy Box – Brown Toy Box is working to help create a world where Black children are represented in all pillars of society and they know that they can be and achieve anything they set their minds to! Many Black children ages 4-12 in the US do not frequently see themselves represented in careers and hobbies that produce high salaries, economic mobility and a better quality of life. Because they generally aren’t as exposed or encouraged to learn about STE[A]M related opportunities, they do not believe they are capable or they simply don’t pursue these jobs as adults.
Kokumo – This is a monthly history and science-related lesson subscription, which teaches African history through biographical sketches of Africans dispersed all over the world and those on the continent. It also highlights lessons learned utilizing problem solving, critical thinking, and practical application techniques through science, technology, engineering, art, and/or math (STEAM).
Because Of Them We Can – The Because of Them We Can (BOTWC) Box is the first Black history and excellence subscription box for kids. Each month kids can use the contents of the box to learn about trailblazers, organizations or movements that paved the way!
Travel For Black Homeschoolers
Black Kids Do Travel – Black Kids Do Travel was created due to the lack in diversity in the travel world and as a safe place for black families to share their travel experiences, and to encourage and inspire other black families to travel the world with their children.

Books For Black Parents Interested In Homeschooling
African Americans and Homeschooling: Motivations, Opportunities and Challenges
No Dream Deferred: Why Black and Latino Families Are Choosing Homeschool
Facebook Groups For Black Homeschoolers
Black Homeschooling Families Support – This group is for African American homeschooling families that are looking for more opportunities to support and communicate with other homeschooling families. Our group has been created to provide opportunities for black families to support, motivate, uplift, educate, and inspire one another while we provide better opportunities for our children.
African American Unschoolers – This Group was created to give access to the philosophy, strategies and concepts of African American Unschooling. Please feel free to join us and share your knowledge and questions. You are among friends.
The Black Homeschoolers Connection – This group was created as a positive and safe space for black homeschoolers that will enable them to have those difficult conversations without someone becoming offended. It would allow them a chance to gain awareness and achieve understanding of life, and situations surrounding us; to find solutions; to explore ways to empower each other and our children, and help them learn better; to be silly; to get advice; and to just overall connect with each other.
Black Kids Do Travel – The goal of Black Kids Do Travel is to offer a family type community of travel encouragement, support, advice, tips and more for moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc for black families who want to add travel as a supplement to their children’s education. They believe that travel is fundamental and the more children travel, the more they learn about the world around them.
Black Homeschool Families – This group is intended to support all caregivers who homeschool (or intend to homeschool) black (including multi-racial) children. In addition, this group is to be supportive of all families regardless of what their homeschool looks like.
African American Homeschool Moms – This group is a pleasant and active one, full of helpful and supportive African-American homeschooling moms and homeschooling moms raising African-American children. This amazing community of moms happily shares resources, gladly answers questions, and joyfully offers encouragement.
Homeschooling Black Families – This group is based on raising the level of thinking in respectful ways and manners. The goal of this group is for families to share with each other what they have learned through experiences over the years because they believe that we all learn from each other.
Black Homeschoolers Traveling Together – This is a group of traveling homeschooling families that connect for some fun local and international adventures.
African American Home School Network – The African-American home school movement is growing; however there is a lack of on-line networks. The main function of this group is to support, encourage, and promote African American Homeschool families. Including curriculum selection and co-op group start up in your local communities.
African American STEAM Club – African American STEAM Club is for homeschool families sharing their love of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math!
African American Online Cooperative Official Members Group – This group is for official members of the African American Online Cooperative who have joined the website, which provides curriculum and support for black homeschoolers.
Melanin Books 4 Melanin Kids – Melanin Books 4 Melanin Kids promotes kids books, infant to young adult, with predominately brown faces. They believe melanin representation in children literature matters.
Black Homeschooling Families Support Group – This group is for African American homeschooling families that are looking for more opportunities to support and communicate with other homeschooling families. This group was been created to provide opportunities for black families to support, motivate, uplift, educate, and inspire one another while they provide better opportunities for their children.
Homeschooling for Black Freethinkers – This group is for non-religious and freethinking people in the black community, who currently home-school or are thinking about homeschooling. They also welcome families who use the traditional school system, so that they too can benefit in co-educating their black children.
Other Homeschool Resources For Black Families By Black Families
Black Homeschool Organizations
Black Homeschool Blogs
The Blessed Heritage Chronicles
African American Homeschool Moms
Black Worldschool Blogs
Black Homeschool YouTubers
UNschooling The Sensational Six
Black Homeschool Podcasts
An Unschooler’s Podcast about People of Color in Self-Directed Education
Girlfriend’s Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry
Did I miss anything? Please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comment section so I can update this resource guide for black homeschooling families.
Thinking About Homeschooling – Where To Start
- Is Homeschooling Right For Your Family?
- How To Legally Homeschool Your Child
- Best Tips For Choosing The Right Homeschool Curriculum
- A Comprehensive Resource Guide For Black Homeschooling Families
Where To Shop For Homeschooling Supplies
Homeschool Resources
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