How To Submit Your Child For Modeling And Acting Jobs

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If you have tried submitting your child to several agencies and have not heard back, don’t give up just yet. See below websites and resources on how to submit your child for modeling and acting jobs without an agent. There are other possible alternatives!

Please refer to the other blog posts below for any questions you may have

Aiden Models For Old Navy


Finding A Reputable Model Agency To Represent Your Child”  


What Agency Is The Best Fit For My Child

Below are three websites that you can sign up for. Once you sign up, you will be able to get alerts and notifications of castings. You can also log on and browse to see if anything is a good fit for your child.  You will be then be able to submit your child to jobs without needing representation. There will be a small fee associated with submissions and that is normal, so don’t be alarmed by it. Aiden has the most basic profile so I wouldn’t recommend paying for it. But you can if you want to.

I have submitted Aiden to maybe one or two jobs. His agent usually does the submissions for him and then notifies us when he has an audition (One of the good things about having an agent). If you do submit your child, you will get notification if they have been selected to audition.

LA Casting Network



Casting Frontier



Actors Access


If you do decide to submit your child without representation, you will need to be aware of these pointers below. If your child already has representation, then you should already be familiar with them.

  1. Employment of Minors in the Entertainment Industry
    • I am sure every state had one. Click here for the California Child Labor Laws Pamphlet. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the laws in your state. A simple google search should be helpful in finding the laws in your state.
  2. Information on minors and employment
    • Click Here link to learn more directly from the State of California – Department of Industrial Relations page.
  3. Entertainment Work Permit
    • Click Here to apply for an entertainment for permit for your child (California Only).
    • Minors aged 15 days to 18 years employed in the entertainment industry must have a permit to work, and employers must have a permit to employ, both permits being issued by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. These permits are also required for minors making phonographic recordings or who are employed as advertising or photographic models. Permits are required even when the entertainment is noncommercial in nature.
    • Your child will not be able to book a job without a work permit. Works permits expire every 6 months, so make sure to renew it prior to expiration. If your child books a job and they are needed the next day for work and they don’t have a current work permit, they will move on to the next child. Keeping up with this and renewing it is essential.
  4. Coogan Account
    • Coogan Law – Definition and Explanation
    • Depending on what state you reside in, you may or may not need to open up a Coogan account for your child. Not all banks offer Coogan Trust Accounts. Aiden’s Coogan Trust Account was opened at Bank of America. This year, we were informed that Bank of America will no longer be opening up new Coogan Trust Accounts. However they will not be closing previously opened Coogan Trust Accounts. Make a few calls and find out what bank around you offers this. Make sure to ask them if they offer ‘blocked trust minor accounts’. A lot of employees may not be familiar with Coogan Accounts, which was what I experienced after calling a few banks.

“Best of Luck”

2 thoughts on “How To Submit Your Child For Modeling And Acting Jobs”

  1. GREAT site. Lots of helpful little info. I have always struggled with finding legitimate agencies.. and then just get discouraged. Thanks so much for sharing. You are a breathe of fresh air!

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